Note: 8oz (US) = 224g
32oz = 900 g (approx)
Comparing the cost of Bowton Blue with American blue cheese, you divide the 900g price by 4 and then multiply by the US exchange rate of £1= $1.60 approx.
i.e. £30/4 x $1.60 = $12. This compares with approximately $10 for the US cheese. Of course shipping to the US would be extra on top of this.
The big question is how would American cheese buyers respond if the exchange rate changed resulting in a change in price? This is all to do with the how sensitive customers are to a change in price. (known as Price Elasticity)
Q. How much would the Bowton Blue cost in the US, if the exchange rate:
a) increased to £1 = $1.70 (i.e. the £ strengthened or appreciated)
b) decreased to £1 = $1.50 (i.e. the £ weakened)